Thursday, 6 July 2017

Podcast and Digital Storytelling in Language (3rd July)

Halla !Eid Mubarak everyone ! After a long ,peaceful ,great holiday and some sips of fresh brewed coffee right now with me just turned  my mood on to do some write up update .

Well ,during the last lab class which was last 3rd July we were all feeling a bit lazy (as you know the feeling right after raya :p ) but somehow we manage to learn something good and beneficial. Madam taught about Podcast and Digital storytelling in Language.

Podcast is actually an
- Audio file and video file
- Broadcast via internet
- can be downloaded to computer or mobile device as example: mp3

Students can either listen to the existing Podcast or they can create their own Podcast.

As in the class, madam had showed us how does exactly Podcast is .So we opened up and play some existed podcast there.

I decided to play the Harry Potter's podcast.

By using the existing podcast ,there are some benefits that can be gained by the students such as
- Self study
- Encourage students to find any podcast that interest them and can be listened over and over again.
- It also have variety of levels

What do we need to podcasting ?
- a recording tools (of course)
-online voice recorder

You can record and edit your voice by using this apps which called Audacity .

By the end of the class, madam had given us a task which we have to create our own podcast and put it in the blog .
The suggested topic ideas are :
- Personal information
- Opinions 
- Story telling 
- Book or film reviews

So i have decided to do a film review which entitled Love, Rosie a romantic comedy british film. Click the red fonts below to listen to my very own podcast :)

I hope you enjoyed the podcast! geez :D

Till the next post !


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